State Export Account Template

State Export Account Template allows users to create and manage Account Templates for individual states.

Search and Edit

  • Enter a Template Description into the search field to search for an account.
  • Click edit icon. The Edit Account Template form will display.

  • Click theadd new element link to add a new element to an existing account template. The Add New Element form will display.

  • Enter the element name and value in the Element Name and Element Value fields.
    • Click the add button.
  • Click the information icon to view additional information about elements.
    • Click the ok button.
  • Click the save button.

Add Account Template

  • Click the add new template link to add a new account template. The Add Account Template form will display.

  • Select a type from the Account Type drop-down list.
  • Enter a description in the Template Description field.
  • Click the link to add a new element to an existing account template. The Add New Element form will display.

  • Enter the element name and value in the Element Name and Element Value fields.
    • Click the button.
  • Click the icon to view additional information about elements.
    • Click the ok button.
  • Click the save button.

Delete Account Template

  • Click the blue right arrow icon. A new window will display.

  • Click the trash icon. A message will display.
  • Click the delete template button.


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School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021